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Chris Horn Author

The world of the Word Spider

Welcome to the world of the Word Spider, a land of mini beasts, adventure and long forgotten secrets. Our brave protagonist, Alice, ventures far from her home, deep beneath the floorboards of the old bookshop, and out in to a world beyond anything she could have imagined.

Here she will find out secrets from a long forgotten past, awaken an enemy who will stop at nothing to destroy the Albino spiders once and for all. Venturing further still, Alice and her new-found friends, will face the crazed wasp Gregory, as he puts into place to take the throne of Oakland and by doing so, take control of the last great tree and its city full of bugs.

Alice's trilogy ends with the greatest threat any insect has had to face, a long forgotten relic of humankind, will put all the known insect world at risk.

Will our young spider's plan to return to the old bookshop succeed, or will the return of a vanquished enemy end all of them once and for all.

Click on the map, to navigate around the world of the word spider.

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