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Stack of Books

The Pop-Up Bookshop

  • Writer's pictureChris Horn

Author Spotlight Richard Savin

Updated: Mar 16

What inspires you? just the sheer pleasure of story telling.

What are you currently working on? I am currently working on Book 2 of a quintet: The Girls from New York.

What else do you enjoy, aside from writing? I enjoy writing, travel, wine, food and classic cars.

Whats coming next? This year will see the launch of 3 new full length novels for me. Two are currently in editing and cover design. These are planned for launches in May and late August. A third m/s should finish writing first draft by summer, for editing and launch in the autumn.

Much of my writing uses the period 1900 to 1945 especially the two World Wars, though I only use this as a backdrop. All my stories are about the human experience and could be fairly described as romantic thrillers. I have strayed off into dystopian, as well as supernatural genres, but out of my 24 published books to date, those are the exception rather than my mainstream work

Richards books will be for sale at the next Pop-Up on the 8th April at The Royal Albion Hotel, Broadstairs, and Richard will be making an appearance reading from some of his works.

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