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Stack of Books

The Pop-Up Bookshop

We have authors of most genres, from children's picture books for those just starting out in their reading journey, to local history, semi-autobiographical and a whole host of fan favourites, some of which have been recognised for awards.

All our authors are local to the Thanet, East Kent region of the UK or have ties to the area, and we are always happy to welcome others to our family. So if you are an indie/self-published or small press author, use the contact us page to find out more details. 

Welcome to the Pop-Up Bookshop, a collaborative of over thirty authors, all of whom are passionate and dedicated to their craft. 

We hold two or three Pop-Up events throughout the year but are always looking for more venues, so if you would like the Pop-Up to attend your club, school, care home, drop us a message via the contact us page. 

Contact us

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