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The Pop-Up Bookshop

  • Writer's pictureChris Horn

Author Spotlight, Richard Lewis.

The Pop-Up Bookshop is proud to introduce another wonderful local author, Richard Lewis. Richard's books cover local history, including artists and writers. Richard's other books are a mix of autobiographical and semi-autobiographical books, and books for learners of the English language, some of which are international bestsellers.

What inspires you?

Anything that gives meaning to life. This often ends up as biography and autobiography,

with one of my tenets being that biography says almost as much about the writer as it does

about the subject of the biography, and conversely that autobiography often says more

about other people than the writer.

Anything you are currently working on?

Tableaux in words illustrating my school day experience in the 1960s.

What do you enjoy?

Art history, exploring other cultures, different languages, swimming, walking, gardening.

A bit about your books and you.

My books consist of semi-autobiography, biography, local history focussed on artists and

writers and also text books for language schools. My biggest seller is an adaptation of

Wilkie Collins’ The Woman in White for learners of English - an Oxford University Press

bestseller driven by sales in, mainly, China and Spain.

I grew up in the tiny village of Tondu in South Wales, went on as a boarder to Cowbridge

Grammar School and then on to King’s College, London, for my BA and MA. I have spent almost my entire working life in language teaching. I have taught French in Surrey and Bristol, and EFL (English as a Foreign Language) in Paris and Barcelona.

After a stint with the publishers Hodder & amp; Stoughton near Sevenoaks, working on their English Language List and writing a text book for them, I took up the post of Principal of Fitzroy

College of English in Cliftonville, Margate.

Moving on from the language school, several years later, I became the Academic Director for an international language homestay organization, which provided courses in a variety of languages worldwide, administered from offices in Margate.

And then I retired!

Come along and grab a copy or two of Richard's wonderful books on the 8th April at the Albion Hotel in Broadstairs.

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