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Stack of Books

The Pop-Up Bookshop

  • Writer's pictureChris Horn

Author Spotlight Laure Meloy

What inspires you ?

Reading, reading, reading and a little more reading. I have always been a bookworm, and it remains my favourite pastime.

The best book I've ever read, was by a writer on the process of writing. "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lamott

What are you currently working on?

Another collection of essays, but this time with some fictionalised anecdotes, short stories inspired by but not necessarily true to real life events.

What do you enjoy?

As mentioned I LOVE to read, pretty much anything, but especially speculative fiction and memoirs. Guilty pleasure are detective novels! I'm also a keen knitter and recently takyuo embroidery.

Tell us about you.

A freelance classical soprano, and have spent 30+ years touring and travelling, singing opera, performing concerts and recitals. My first book, written during the pandemic and lockdown, is a collection of family lore, diaries, letters and memories, to preserve and share with my children and siblings.

As the theatres were still shut when that was completed, I then crafted a career memoir, drawn from essays and anecdotes, previously published as a blog. "From Aïda to Zaïde, scribblings of a mad soprano"

People often assume that opera singers lead a glamorous life, but reading the book might bring some surprises! A lot of funny things can happen on the way to the opera house...

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