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  • Writer's pictureChris Horn

Author Spotlight Julie Leonard

Updated: Mar 27

Today we caught up with Julie, the author of William The Caterpillar.

What inspires you?

Apart from 'raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens'*, I am inspired by a multitude of things, that make me want to write and illustrate...

In the William the Caterpillar, series of stories, I hold a wish to help children overcome challenges in their life's journey; feeling like they don't fit in, being scared of the dark or perhaps having difficulties eating well for example...

I love to employ William's cheeky, but stalwart character to progress through some of these troubles with humour, bravery and resilience.

Thank heaven for the most incredible, original palette of awe-inspiring colour and beauty bestowed upon Earth, inspiration indeed!

*(Rogers & Hammerstein II/Williamson Music 1959)

Anything you are currently working on?

I'm currently working on the third story in the 'William the Caterpillar series, 'William the Fussy- Eater Caterpillar'. (I dictate my stories initially and for this one, the predictive text interpreted the title as, 'William, the Fussy-Heated Caterpillar!')

I am having so much fun with this tricky subject because inspiration seems to come from....well, everyone...

Most persons I know had or have a challenge with eating nutritious foods that benefit us as humans and I am enjoying building the story and drawing from the experiences of myself and several people (who shall remain nameless!) to help with this.

As a parent, I understand the complexities of feeding your children what you know will be healthy for them, but that knowledge doesn't hold any water when facing a tenacious three-year-old with the mindset of Alexander the Great!

William the Caterpillar finds his way through this particular challenge in this humorous and encouraging story and comes to realise that different foods aren't quite that bad after all...

I've worked out the 'dummy' for the story, (i.e., 1st draft/rough sketches/text.) I'm enjoying the process so much, this is the really fun bit as the story develops and emerges! I hope to have it published by the end of this year. Watch this space!

What you enjoy?

I enjoy sketching out an idea and putting the first mark on a fresh sheet of watercolour paper, watching the sketches come to life under my brush and the knowledge that children will enjoy reading about a cheeky little caterpillar called William, makes me very happy. I am in my dream job!

On school and nursery visits, I particularly enjoy reading the stories, playing (guitar)/singing the 'William Song' and doing workshop activities with the children.

A bit about your books and you

I moved to Broadstairs from South-East London over 20 years ago, and have loved living here ever since. How wonderful it is to live in this landscape!

Illustration is my most favourite thing to

do, I'm never happier than when I'm sketching or have a brush in my hand. One of the most thrilling moments here as an artist was winning the 'Kent Adult Education Services - (KAES) Watercolour Challenge 2006, a watercolour 'paint-off' with over 300 entrants.

I attended Christchurch University, Canterbury, as a part-time mature student studying 'Fine and Contemporary Art', then completed an illustration course with The London College of Art, (Distinction).

I am the mother of three fully fledged boys who have (unwittingly) supplied me with ideas for the William stories, and again I've drawn on my own experiences, which at the time seemed terribly daunting, but can now be recalled with a smile.

I love to escape in sketching, drawing and painting. I add a little finishing touch here and there with coloured pencils and pastels. I like to make the watercolours sing out from the page with vibrancy and clarity. I love to begin a fresh story, it fills me with excitement!

Check out Williams's website,

there's some fantastic fun to download and even a board game (designed to go along with the second book) to print off!

Julie is a member of the Society of Authors (SOA) and of the Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators.

Pop along to the Pop-Up Bookshop on the 8th April at the Royal Albion Hotel. During the morning session, Julie will be reading from William The Caterpillar and maybe singing the brilliant William song.

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