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  • Writer's pictureChris Horn

Author Spotlight, Despina Mavridou

The Pop-Up Bookshop, would like to introduce our first international author, Despina Mavridou.

Living in Greece, Despina's books are written in English and are available via Amazon, The Pop-Up Bookshop, is pleased to have a limited stock of "The Elephant, that Wanted to Dance"

Tell us about you and your writing journey.

Since childhood, I have harboured a deep love for reading books. Like all dedicated readers, I see books as journeys, capable of transporting us to unimaginable adventures and allowing us to live lives we never knew existed. When I first ventured into writing, my goal was to offer readers an immersive experience, brimming with emotions, that would enable them to momentarily escape reality and delve into a world ripe with possibilities, changes, and potential.

However, over the years, I found myself swayed by the discouraging remarks of those around me who claimed that writers don't make money. Gradually, I began to push my dream aside until it slipped from my grasp entirely.

But then you found your way back, tell us about the books.

It wasn't until the birth of my niece that inspiration struck anew. I crafted a story for her—one filled with the joys of travel, making new friends, and exploring a land adorned with chocolate and cookies, her favourite treats. Thus, "Semeli and the Magic Cookie Land" was born. Initially intended as a personal gift, I later realized its potential as a delightful tale for any child who shares Semeli's love for cookies, adventures, and friendship.

"Mum, Dad, Can You Hear Me?"—my second book—was born from my experiences growing up amidst my parents' divorce. Acting as a mediator from the age of 13 until my late twenties, I found myself entangled in their disputes, often forced to take sides and make difficult decisions far beyond my years. I wrote this book to offer insight to parents, urging them to empathize with their children caught in the middle, and to reassure children that it's okay not to be embroiled in such conflicts, advocating for open communication between parents. Additionally, I created a diary for kids to express themselves and divulge what they may find difficult to communicate to their parents. It brought me immense happiness when Gaudi Editorial decided to translate this book from English to Portuguese.

My latest book, "The Elephant That Wanted to Dance," is dedicated to my daughter, serving as a reminder that she can pursue her dreams without succumbing to the limitations imposed by family, society, or even her own doubts. Drawing from my own journey of rediscovering my passion for writing and veering away from conventional career paths in pursuit of personal fulfilment, I hope to instil in my daughter—and readers alike—the courage to follow their hearts and persevere despite opposition.

While the journey to becoming an indie author has been far from easy, fraught with challenges and uncertainties, I take immense pride in daring to turn my dreams into reality. Though the road may not always be smooth, the joy I feel when seeing my books displayed in libraries or receiving heartfelt feedback from readers far outweighs any hardship. Besides writing, what I really love is to travel, eat, play with my daughter, read, and be in nature.

My next steps include creating a book for adults, a long-held aspiration of mine, and preparing a new adventure for kids. There is nothing more rewarding than witnessing the satisfaction in the eyes of a child as they read a good book. I aspire to continue creating memories and evoking emotions that will endure, whether in the hearts of adults or children, and I remain committed to making my dreams a reality. As I've often read, a successful author is simply one who never gives up. I genuinely aspire to be counted among such authors, offering the world the essence of a good and valuable book. 

All my books are available on Amazon and you can find me on Instagram or Threads under the name @author_despina_mavridou

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