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The Pop-Up Bookshop

  • Writer's pictureChris Horn

Author Spotlight, Christopher Plato

A new author to join the Pop-Up Bookshop, is Christopher Plato (what a great name) Christopher doesn't currently have any physical published books, but will be at the Pop-Up on the 8th April, reading from his work.

What inspires you?

All my ideas start from real life events, observations and experiences. I then I try to put a humorous spin on them, which isn’t much of an effort, as I find life a funny business.

What are you currently working on?

You know that expression, ‘There are 2 sides to every story?’ I’m currently putting together a

collection of short stories, all with ‘2 stories about…’ as the title. I’ve got about 9 so far, including ‘2 stories about tattoos’ and ‘2 stories about art & amp; eczema’ And they’re all based on real-life experiences.

What do you enjoy?

I don’t read anything similar to what I write. I’m afraid it’s the same with films: I think, ‘I should really see that new film’ and find it’s a rehash of something older, so I go back time and again to my classics, Raymond Chandler and Oscar Wilde. Oh, and I play the drums and scuba dive. No - not at the same time!

Tell us a bit about your books and you.

I came to writing short stories and flash fiction via song lyrics and film scripts, so I’m very interested in getting a scene or an atmosphere across. The goal is to be able to sum up a character or situation in as few words as possible. The art is in finding those few words which are just right.

Follow the Pop-Up Bookshop, on Instagram for latest details on the next event.

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