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The Pop-Up Bookshop

  • Writer's pictureChris Horn

Author Spotlight.

Updated: Mar 16

With over thirty authors the Pop-Up Bookshop has genres to suit all readers.

So let's introduce them, today's spotlight is our youngest member.

Sofia Haq

At the amazing age of 8 years old, Sofia wrote the story "Jungle Trouble, Rory's Rescue Plan"

Along with her mother Bibi, they self published the book, having found the talented artist Ishrat Ahmed who's pictures brought the story to life.

Jungle Trouble, follows our protagonist Rory, as he sets about rescuing his jungle friends, who have been captured by poachers "Boo, Hiss." But Rory is brave and heroic and will stop at nothing to save his friends. "Yay, Woohoo."

The ideal bed time story, this book will entertain children and adults alike.

Get your copy here

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Amazing introduction. Thank you

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